Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I am wrestling with all of the information out there... to say it's astounding is an understatement. My mind acts like a web, weaving from here to there. So much interesting information. It would take a thousand lifetimes to absorb it all.
I love to cook, but I never buy books anymore. (except that I'm looking for old Julia Child books) I just search the web. I'm looking to declutter & purge. I guess I am at that stage in my life where I'm looking to rid myself of collections.
I have to focus when I search, and ensure I don't go off on a tangent. I'm sure many students are like me.
I say to myself, "I know it's out there if I need it." Catalogs get tossed, junk mail stays unopened, spam is deleted, e-mail accounts merged, calendars updated, bills paid electronically, even groceries purchased online (the closest supermarket is 20 minutes away) processes streamlined. I wonder if anyone has calculated the TCO of doing things online vs. postage stamps and gas... I'm sure it's out there!

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